Thursday, March 26, 2009

it's nice to think that at the end of all this, you'll look back and remember the best times of your life, and realize that you lived them. there won't be anymore dreams. just the glory of what did happen.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

according to Citylife, we're the best local live band. hehe how silly. 
so now i can't sleep at night because all my mind's useless ramblings and concerns and sorrowful diarrhea has been replaced by writing jokes. i lay there, turning things over in my head till i get a joke, shoot up and turn my ceiling fan light on, jot it down in a notebook by my bed, turn the light out, and lay back down. i do this 5-10 times before i pass out from exhaustion. it's fucking silly. your most productive moments are not supposed to be when you're going to bed. oh well. i spose that's my method.

Friday, March 13, 2009

doug stanhope is my new favorite. he's a goddamn genius.
he's filthy but on this track his act actually gets kinda beautiful:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

is it weird that i actually kinda like this band?
they got balls and sorta pull of a naked city-esque vibe.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

music has kinda taken a back seat (except Land of Talk, who fucking rule).
i'm addicted to stand-up.
i'm gonna be one.