Saturday, November 22, 2008

if you think about how difficult this must have been, it'll blow your mind:
this show totally kills me:

"british children are notoriously stupid and must attend schools."

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

just read:

TOTALLY the shit.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

not to be a bummer, but this link will take you to a clip from a new documentary about Genesis P-Orridge and s/he is clearly out of it since the death of their beloved Lady Jaye. :( still interesting though. 

ahead of their time, whatever that means

Thursday, November 6, 2008

gotta love ginsberg

Well, while I'm here I'll
                  do the work-
and what's the Work?
             To ease the pain of living.
Everything else, drunken
i really need to reconnect with my studying of Burroughs and Genesis. that's the first thing i'm going to dive into when i graduate. studying them and their ideas. Genesis truly is the only person on the planet right now that i'm aware of that is trying to push things forward. and s/he's pushing 60. s/he should really be a bigger deal that s/he is right now.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

is it bad that i kind of hate all this "bi-partisan" talk?
all this "come together" talk?
i'd kind of rather things get super crazy
i don't know

it's strange to sense such a role reversal going on
the past two elections, liberals villainized Bush to crazy extremes
and i guess it was its own kind of irrational desperation
and now the conservatives are villainizing Obama in the same ways.
it's just strange. after 8 years of republican stranglehold they lost their grip.
they got away with SO much. how they lost it is beyond me.
it makes me suspicious that threw the election and this is all in the master plan...
they're so damn tricky.

either way
fork it over, rich people.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

so it's come to my attention
and perhaps this has already come to some people's attention
people who,
when they were twelve
saw Jurassic Park
my main philosophy in life
revolves around
i've at least looked down upon such
goldblum-isms since the movie's conception
but now i realize
constantly accommodating for nature and life's infinite possibilities
at least carries shades of chaos theory
something i know nothing about
and is literally relegated to the realm of 
hurricanes and butterflys
if i'm wrong in correlating the two
let me know.
because i want to know
if my main philosophy in life is CHAOS THEORY
because i feel like such
is exactly that.

basically, it comes down to this:
a grip that is slipping.

i desperately want people,
mainly those who are close to me
to understand the plight
that is 
attempting to account for the infinity that is the universe

the possibility
the life
the chance
that you are wrong

fucking wrong.

knowing that you know
is terrifying
and sudden.

and then

something you feel like you know
becomes truth

makes you second guess
and then you realize
the ability to second guess doubt


drunken rambling.

blahdy blah.

i don't know.

it's like i told julian once.

is a gigantic game of yahtzee.

there's a cup
with 6 billion or so dice within
and the outcome


in a human word: insane.
while i voted a bit begrudgingly,
it is a good feeling to finally vote for the winning party.
and i do somewhat feel like it's a big deal he won.
so hooray.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

the woman is a goddamn genius.